Raise Your Hand! (If you have it all together...)

Raise Your Hand! (If you have it all together...)

My confidence in myself is...not THAT high. My confidence in God...wavers between high to 'God I'm not sure if this is You or not so..' Then again the latter would be more a reflection of my confidence in my ability to hear Him or maybe it's a lack of faith that He can reach by any means necessary. Anyway, in high school (even elementary school) adults made it seem as if you had to have your life together from jump. Every plan needed to be in place. I remember people would ask me what I wanted to be and I couldn't come up with an answer because I loved too many things and the possibilities were endless. I felt trapped trying to be just one thing. I felt like I was failing everyone's expectations if I didn't have an answer. By the end of college my answer simply became "I don't know." Not that I didn't know where I was headed but God had given me checkpoints with no fill-in-the-blanks.
It felt like an empty puzzle and all I had were corner pieces. Trying to figure it out caused headaches from overthinking. Impatience only caused stressing and exhaustion. Essentially, it was a waste of time I could have been spending relaxing, enjoying family, and simply spending time with God himself. The worry wasn't going to make the next steps come any faster. Sometimes it's difficult to just enjoy the ride when it seems like you're walking into a forever of the unknown.
Is preparation important? Yes, but no one knows the plans for their life except the Lord. Even if He gives us information on it, there's usually not a lot of detail of what it looks like or the in-between. I can't imagine what Joseph was thinking and feeling the moment he was in the prison and he had not heard from the King or any sign of a release after telling the chief cupbearer and the baker to remember him. He knew what God showed him. I can't speak for him but I know in that situation I most likely would have felt the furthest from feeling like I had it all together even looking through rose-colored glasses. The interesting thing is though, God never asked us to have it all together. He made up for that when Christ paid the bill for our sins. He asked for leaning on His understanding, seeking His wisdom, and trusting Him...casting our cares on Him. None of those required us having it all together but to abide in the one who does.
References: Gen 40-41, Pro 3:5-8, 9:10, 16:9
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