Dreams Come True Productions

What is DCT?

DCT is a business that believes in you doing what God made you to do and walking in the life He has built for you. It's purpose is to encourage, motivate, and uplift others through means of writing. Especially to exemplify and exalt Christ.

Try Again 2morrow Apparel

God has granted us grace and we all fall short. That doesn't mean that we stop pressing towards the mark or obeying His instructions. It just means we make the mistake, get back up, learn, and Try Again 2morrow.

Build A Dream Course

Currently, DCT is offering the Build A Dream Course. The Build A Dream Course course is structured to teach you how to include God in the process of building dreams and ideas in your life. God knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb. He definitely has your best interest in mind.

  • "For if dreams die

      Life is a broken-winged bird

        That cannot fly."
    ~Langston Hughes

  • Hope deferred makes the heart sick,

    but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

    Proverbs 13:12 (NIV)

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