Ever felt like running?
I know not everyone does but running was my favorite thing in the world. I just loved to feel the rush of the wind. I loved to zone out. It was a moment where there could just be me and my lane. It was such a way of life that it was a representation of how I lived. I would just keep moving forward. I would move past the pain, regrets, losses, and enjoy the happy moments long enough to fulfill the time of a block start.
Of all the things I could have done in track and field, the one aspect I did not have a handle on (at first) was rest and recovery. I didn't think it was important. Although it was a risk.... to ignore the muscular balance of...... my body then, it's not the game of life. You can't keep breaking down as you go along and think you'll be able to function like a well-oiled machine. You have to go back and allow God to break you down so that He can build you back up Himself. Sometimes you may have to alter what you normally do to allow Him to build you up and restructure you for the next season. What He builds He sustains. Rest allows you to be restored. It allows Him to restore you with what you need to continue the assignment He's given you and/or to prepare you for the next assignment.
As much as running feels amazing, you can't get to where you're going unless you participate in the entire process.